5 Health Tips for 2022 to Keep You Looking and Feeling Good!

Staying healthy and looking your best doesn’t have to be complicated. To keep your body in tip-top shape, all you need to do is follow these five simple health tips for 2022!

1. Workout in the morning

One of my health goals for 2022 is to run in every one of San Francisco’s 49 official neighborhoods. Research shows that our bodies produce more human growth hormone (HGH) in the early morning hours, meaning that we can get a good sweat going before work or even at home before you head out. So, instead of hitting your alarm clock snooze button and scheduling your workout on your calendar later, give yourself ample time to actually fit it into your day. That way, if you don’t feel like getting up at 5 a.m., you have time to shift things around—and maybe even squeeze in a 30-minute walk or two before heading out for work!

2. Sleep on a mattress that protects your back

The National Sleep Foundation recommends 7-9 hours of sleep per night, but most Americans average only 6.7 hours a night. Inadequate sleep has been shown to cause health problems like obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, decreased memory and other cognitive issues. Health experts recommend sleeping on a mattress that offers proper support, including comfort layers made with foam or latex; foam is generally more supportive than innerspring while providing more pressure relief than latex. Besides reducing back pain from sleeping wrong on an old mattress, you’ll also reduce your chances of suffering from insomnia or another sleep disorder.

3. Make time to workout

With all that’s in store, it can be difficult to find time. Try making a point of working out at lunchtime or earlier in the morning when you have more time on your hands. Fitting 30 minutes of exercise into your schedule twice a week will help ensure that you’re in good shape when 2027 rolls around. In fact, by 2022, eating healthy foods should be second nature. Did you know? Regular physical activity has been shown to increase overall health, reduce disease risk and help maintain a healthy weight - so there’s never been a better time to take control of your health now than later!

4. Eat balanced meals

It’s a common myth that dieting is about counting calories or limiting yourself. But balancing your diet is key: you should strive to eat three balanced meals every day, with each meal consisting of one portion of protein (such as eggs, fish or lean meat), two portions of vegetables and one portion of carbohydrates (such as rice, pasta or potato). Each meal should also include a portion of healthy fats (such as olive oil, avocado or nuts). Eating nutrient-rich foods such as these keeps you feeling fuller for longer – so there’s less chance of your mind wandering towards unhealthy snacks between meals. Consider eating smaller portions but more frequently – try having five small meals each day instead of three big ones. This can help keep you satisfied when trying to lose weight.

5. Buy quality vitamins

Most of us take vitamins to make up for what we’re missing out on in our diet. If you are eating junk food regularly, that might not be such a bad idea. But if you eat reasonably healthy already, you don’t need them as much. Save your money by buying quality vitamins that aren’t full of artificial ingredients or sugar. A good rule of thumb is: If you can't pronounce it, don't put it in your body. (12/30/2017) When choosing vitamin supplements try to find multivitamins made from whole food sources - read carefully which ones are non-GMO and which are sourced from plant sources versus animal sources where possible too!

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